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Would you like to purchase a reliable cleaning machine, matching accessories or high-quality cleaning agents from Meclean?
Enter your city, zip code or use the zoom function on the map above to quickly find a dealer in your area. By clicking on an icon you gain insight into the address and contact details as well as the relevant product groups that is presented there. Meclean has a large number of professional dealers, sales points and importers. Altogether more than 160 dealers in different EU countries, guaranteeing a professional, fast service. Always competent, professional and technical assistance or extensive advice.
Meclean is a manufacturer and supplier of professional cleaning machines. During development, testing and production, the focus is on the user (s).
Call +31 115 43 25 30
On working days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Send an email directly? Click here
During office hours? Click here
During office hours we can also be reached via live chat
Visiting adress Head Office
Mr. F.J. Haarmanweg 29
4538 AN Terneuzen
Meclean is a manufacturer and supplier of professional cleaning machines. During development, testing and production, the focus is entirely on the user(s).
Call 31 115 43 25 30
On working days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Send an e-mail directly? click here
During office hours? click here
Visiting address head office
Mr. FJ Haarmanweg 29
4538 AN Terneuzen, The Netherlands