The next-generation fossil-free/HVO100 ready Trailerjet high-pressure trailers for professional use in municipal services, façade cleaning, construction and industry

Meclean diesel powered high-pressure trailers TRAILERJET-M models

high-pressure trailers

High-end mechanical technology without unnecessary electronics.

Fossil free / HVO100 ready!

Water tank capacity 500 L / fuel tank 70 L. Available in different versions

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Meclean diesel powered high-pressure trailers TRAILERJET-L models


High-end mechanical technology without unnecessary electronics.

Fossil free / HVO100 ready!

Water tank capacity 600 L / fuel tank 85 L. Available in different versions

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Meclean electrical powered high-pressure trailer TRAILERJET TJLE 250/15


electric drive high-pressure trailer

BATTERY-DRIVE (Lithium LiFePO4 25,6 kW and fossil-free water heating!

High-end mechanical technology.

Water tank capacity 600 L.

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High-end mechanical technology, no unnecessary electronics

The functional, robust appearance of the Trailerjet characterises meclean's approach to technology and the way in which the Trailerjets are constructed. Meclean's vision, that technology must me practical and that only functionality, reliability and good, fast service are important, results in a Trailerjet high-pressure cleaning trailer which very clearly reflects the professional and pragmatic outlook on technology. Meclean® consistently selects the best components and knows better than any other that unncessary electronics do not add anything. Meclean® opts for proven, mechanical technology.

In-house engineering

All Trailerjets are developed in-house: from the very first idea on

the drawing board to assembly in meclean’s own assembly plant.

Extensive options list

A Trailerjets can be fully adapted to the wishes of the user. The various versions, the extensive list of options and the modular contruction together with the expertise of meclean’s technical team, make it possible to focus fully on the end-user’s wishes.

Innovation & Trends

Meclean is a company that is at the forefront when it comes to the latest technical innovations, progressive developments and market trends on a local, national and global level with the aim of providing the end user with professional, solid and reliable machines for today's cleaning challenges. but also for the near future. Always in line with the needs and wishes of the customer.

100% fossil-free / multi-fuel use!

The engine and heat exchanger(s) are ready for new environmental-friendly fuel types like the fossil-free HVO100/XTL, NESTE, biodiesel (B100), Aspen diesel, GTL, HVO20, HVO50 etc, but a Trailerpack also runs perfectly on normal diesel fuel.

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil

HV0 stands for 'Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil' or diesel fuel based on vegetable oils and residual waste. The letters indicate the purity of the mixture. HV0100 is the purest form and therefore offers the most sustainability benefits.

Better for the environment, climate,
users and machine

Fossil-free and low-emission fuels are not only better for the environment, but also for the power source and the health of the user. HVO100 is in accordance with the EN 15940 standard.

Alternative fuels

HVO100 is certainly not the only future-proof fuel. Another well-known alternative is, for example, compressed natural gas, better known as CNG. Unlike HVO100, CNG is not a fossil-free fuel. CNG also emits about 5% more carbon dioxide compared to HVO100. HVO100 reduces CO2 emissions by up to 90% compared to traditional diesel. The price per liter of CNG is also higher than that of HVO100.

Some customer experiences

By Daniel Goossens April 1, 2021
Onze Trailerjet is een aantal jaren geleden aangeschaft en wordt intensief gebruikt, daarom is wederom bij Meclean een hogedruktrailer aangeschaft.
By Daniel Goossens March 27, 2021
We waren specifiek op zoek naar een hogedruk-stoom reinigingstechniek waarbij de ondergrond van het te reinigen oppervlak (van o.a. gevels en terrassen) niet door water onder hogedruk wordt aangetast. Na een demonstratie van de SteamPLUS - techniek waren wij volledig overtuigd.
By Daniel Goossens March 27, 2021
De Trailerjet is uitgerust met de SteamPLUS functie. Met name bij het reinigen van aangetaste of vervuilde stenen, muren, gevels en schoorstenen komt deze functie ons heel goed uit! Dit omdat er gereinigd kan worden zonder het toevoegen van reinigingsmiddelen én zonder beschadigingen.

Request a quote or demo for the meclean® Trailerjet

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