SteamPLUS® is a patented "steam-high-pressure" cleaning technique that combines the unique properties of steam and the effectiveness of high-pressure

SteamPLUS® has been developed for deep cleaning and / or paint and graffiti removal from damage-sensitive surfaces such as vulnerable monumental buildings without the need for cleaning agents. SteamPLUS® is available as an option on the (electric) High-pressure trailers, Trailerjet-M / L and Trailerpacks.

The major differences between a 'steam function' and
SteamPLUS from meclean :

meclean® SteamPLUS®

250 bar

Stable temperature of 150 ºC

(at the nozzle)

Simple switch-on with button

Steam volume 17.000 L/min.

90% steam / 10% water

Up to 90% more working speed

Exceptional results without cleaning agents and without damaging the surface

SteamPLUS® is a technology patented by meclean®

'Steam function'

30 bar

Variable temperature

from 120 - 140 ºC (at the nozzle)

Manual setting

Steam volume approx. 5.000 L/min.

Approx. 50% water / 50% steam

Low working speed

How does SteamPLUS® work?

When installing SteamPLUS®, an extra steam / heat exchanger is added. This special steam generator ensures that water is superheated so that steam is created with a temperature of +/- 150 °C at the spray nozzle.

This enormous amount of steam with a volume of up to 17.000 liters per minute (!) is released on the surface with a high operating pressure of up to 250 bar. The immense amount of energy that is created when water becomes steam, creates a “thermoshock” through which (atmospheric) pollution, graffiti, chewing gum, paint layers, etc. can be removed without cleaning agents and without damaging the surface. The SteamPLUS® function is easily activated with a single button on the control panel.

Meclean SteamPLUS steam high-pressure cleaning technique

What can I do with it?

  • Remove graffiti and paint layers without the use of chemicals and / or paint removers and without damage.

  • Removing chewing gum, at least 6x faster than other methods (2.000 - 3.000 pieces per hour).

  • Cleaning without damage to monumental facades, works of art, wooden objects, paving, etc.

  • Removal of: (atmospheric) pollution, paint, coatings, resin, adhesive layers, road markings etc.

  • Disinfection and odor control of machines, playground equipment, sanitary areas, parking garages etc.
Meclean SteamPLUS Perfect cleaning results without using chemicals

Perfect cleaning results without using chemicals

Paint layers, graffiti, (atmospheric) pollution, road markings, coatings, adhesive layers, resin, bitumen, algae, fungi, etc. With SteamPLUS® an amazing cleaning result can be achieved without chemicals, cleaning or strippers!

Meclean SteamPLUS Deep cleaning without damaging the sensitive surface

Deep cleaning without damaging the sensitive surface

Unlike water high pressure, SteamPLUS® does not clean through impact force (impact). SteamPLUS® is effective because the enormous amount of energy that is generated when water is converted into steam causes a thermoshock. This breaks the bond between the surface and the contamination is removed from the surface without affecting it.

Meclean SteamPLUS Disinfection and odor control

Disinfection and odor control

No additives are required for disinfection and / or odor control with SteamPLUS®, the high temperature does the work and kills bacteria and viruses. Odors (such as urine smell, the smell of food residues or feces) are also caused by bacteria. SteamPLUS® takes away the odor-causing agent instead of drowning it out.

Meclean SteamPLUS Monumental cleaning

SteamPLUS® and National Monuments

In the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, France and Germany, SteamPLUS® is prescribed by National Services for maintenance of national monuments. Examples: Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam, Central station in Antwerp (Belgium), Ayuntamiento Alicante (Spain) ...

Meclean SteamPLUS Environmentally friendly and socially responsible

Environmentally friendly and socially responsible

Up to 25% fuel savings, up to 50% water savings (no collection required), no chemicals / cleaning agents required and very low CO2 emissions. From May 1, 2021, all our High-pressure trailers, the Trailerjet and Trailerpack are homologated for the use of fossil-free fuels such as Neste, HVO100, Traxx, etc.

Meclean SteamPLUS Saves thousands of euros per year

SteamPLUS® saves thousands of euros per year

EIA (energy investment deduction, only for the Netherlands), benefit of up to ± € 1000, - Fuel savings of € 4, - per hour of operation. Water savings approx. € 1 per operating hour. Savings on cleaning agents: € 1,000 to € 20,000 per year!

SteamPLUS® demonstration on location?

Curious about the enormous cleaning power of SteamPLUS® in combination with our High-pressure trailers? Request a no-obligation demonstration below.

Demo request through AquaPLUS page

Meclean scrubber dryer battery powered ROTOSCRUB


SteamPLUS® optional

More than 90% emission reduction thanks to the electric drive and heat exchanger that is suitable for fossil-free fuels.

More info
Meclean scrubber dryer petrol powered POWERSCRUB 40E


SteamPLUS® optional

Top quality mechanical technology without superfluous electronics.

Available in various designs.

More info
Meclean scrubber dryer battery powered POWERSCRUB 40BC


SteamPLUS® optional

Top quality mechanical technology without superfluous electronics.

Available in various designs.

More info
Meclean scrubber dryer battery powered POWERSCRUB 50M


SteamPLUS® optional

Powerful built-in or build-up high-pressure units for professional use in municipal services, facade cleaning, construction and industry. Available in various designs.

More info

Some customer experiences

By Daniel Goossens April 1, 2021
Onze Trailerjet is een aantal jaren geleden aangeschaft en wordt intensief gebruikt, daarom is wederom bij Meclean een hogedruktrailer aangeschaft.
By Daniel Goossens March 27, 2021
De goede prijs/kwaliteit verhouding en omdat meclean functionele, mechanische machines bouwt zonder overbodige elektronica, was ook toen doorslaggevend.
By Daniel Goossens March 27, 2021
In 2013 werd onze Trailerpack afgeleverd. Sindsdien halen we opdrachten binnen die we met een gewone hogedrukunit zonder SteamPLUS techniek nooit zouden kunnen uitvoeren. Ook de technische mensen van Meclean streven naar vernieuwing en verbetering.
By Daniel Goossens March 27, 2021
We waren specifiek op zoek naar een hogedruk-stoom reinigingstechniek waarbij de ondergrond van het te reinigen oppervlak (van o.a. gevels en terrassen) niet door water onder hogedruk wordt aangetast. Na een demonstratie van de SteamPLUS - techniek waren wij volledig overtuigd.
By Daniel Goossens March 27, 2021
De Trailerjet is uitgerust met de SteamPLUS functie. Met name bij het reinigen van aangetaste of vervuilde stenen, muren, gevels en schoorstenen komt deze functie ons heel goed uit! Dit omdat er gereinigd kan worden zonder het toevoegen van reinigingsmiddelen én zonder beschadigingen.
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